Thank you for choosing to stay at Chalet Pitu and we sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed your time here and look forward to welcoming you again in the future.
Can we kindly request that prior to leaving can you please ensure the following:
All dishes, glasses, cutlery etc are placed into the dishwasher and the dishwasher is turned on
Lights, cooker/stove etc are switched off and the heaters are turned down to number 3.
All fridge items are discarded
If you could place all sheets, pillow cases and towels in a pile on the floor of the bedroom, that would assist us greatly
Please check all drawers, shelving and cupboards for all personal belongings
Please leave the set of keys in the key safe and ensure it’s locked before leaving.
Rubbish disposal - please take all your recycling and other rubbish down to the car park in the centre of the village (2 minute walk from the chalet) and dispose in the appropriate rubbish bins
Please advise of any breakages or problems with the chalet so that we are able to rectify immediately for our next guests. jodie@chaletpituvenosc.com
Feedback: We hope you’ve enjoyed your stay with us and please feel free to leave a review and we’ll do the same! If by chance your stay hasn’t met your expectations, we would very much like the opportunity to talk with you about your experience prior to leaving your feedback publicly.
We thank you again for choosing to stay with us and wish you very safe and happy onward travels!